Friday, November 13, 2009

Sentence 5- Terran, Micheal, and Mollie


Anonymous said...

Great presentation, guys. I enjoyed viewing it!

Samuel H said...

Good presentation. What caused Edna to want to leave modern society,where she would be lonely?

Meagan P. said...

I really enjoyed this presentation. The photos you all chose conveyed the same one's I was picturing as I read you're sentence.

Will said...

Good presentation. Your analysis of the sentence and the photos work together well.

Tayler Daniels said...

I thought the presentation was really good. I especially thought that the reference to the sirens and greek mythology was impressive. Another subject of mythology that could be linked to it is in the abyss of solitude and Hades, the underworld. In Greek mythology Hades was not a happy place it was a very sad, lonely place, especially in certain areas.

Corey said...

Great job guys. I loved the pictures and the analysis.

Sam J. said...

This was very good. I really liked the diction analysis because it really went into deep detail about why she used the words she did. The pictures you used i think really tie it all together.

~caitlin11 said...

Nice choice of images to illustrate this sentence. YOur analysis of the diction and suntax was very thourough. Another connotation of the diction is the idea that the aspects Chopin assigns to the sea are the very feelings Edna's soul longs to recognize and freely express.

Emily Q. said...

Fantastic images. You had a good, in depth analysis. You clearly understood what you were talking about and made it easier for others to understand as well.