Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thank God It's Over

Thank god it's over!
As I jumped from my seat at the sound of the final bell, this was my first thought.  It was Christmas break and the end of the first semester of my sophomore year. 

With only five more semesters, I'm one step closer to college.  At first this was a relief.  After all college is going to be a blast!  

But now a slight panic is creeping up on me.  

I don't have a clue what I want to do or where I want to go.

Well thats not true... I actually have several clues, but can not pick just one!

Should I go to my dream college which is out of state or stay close to home?  Should I dream big and take a risk or follow the other safer smaller dreams?  Should I be a pianist, a physical therapist, a writer, a dancer, a journalist?

But I've got a while to decide.  After all it's only the end of the first semester of my sophomore year.

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